Repentance. Refinement. Restoration. It’s a New Day (Part 1)…
#GCG Blog 01 (Intro - Part 01) - Written by: H.C. Daniels
…and providing a glance back into the life and times of yours truly I think is a good place to start for my premiere blog post. Just a glance though, at this point and time and for the purposes of this blog post. I can’t even believe I am here…writing this…on my blog website. A good one though :)! There is so much that I can tell you about myself, my story, and how I arrived at this place by the grace and mercy of God. But I will let these themes continue to unfold in the postings and videos throughout the site where they fit best. One thing is for certain that I can share is that over the past year and a half I have become one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Not by way of material things as I am sure you have been conditioned to think. But by way of sitting at the feet of Jesus. The Bible often speaks of the “poor in spirit” or the poor and needy. In this context, the meaning of poor is those who are in need of instruction and filling from the Lord’s counsel. Those who inquire of the Lord and seek His counsel will never thirst again.
I experienced a pattern of broken marriages (generational - this is important to note) and the second marriage I thought I solved the problem of my first marriage, by changing the type of person I married (this one was in the church and in leadership). After 9 years of marriage (2nd time), God awakened me to some not so pleasant news about the reality of my marriage. I was heart broken. I was angry. I was hurt. He checked off all the check boxes I was told to check. I should know as I took studious notes in the young adult relationship series they had at church right before we met and he pursued me. We even met monthly with the young adult pastors as our mentors who walked us through courtship. How did this still not work out? As some might say “The math wasn’t mathing.” And I was always the one looking for a formula as I love math and by occupation am an engineer (but God showed me even that has to do with sub-conscious unhealed trauma yikes!).
Hmmm I am going to take a pause here to see…Did anyone catch the problem yet?…cue in the Jeopardy music and take a few minutes or a day or 2 to ponder…See Part 2 for the continuation of this blog story…